Something I had learned about taking motion blur was to slow down our shutter speed. When taking a photo having to get motion blurry is when our shutter speed it long, however when its short it’ll freeze the action. So when we are taking a photo with our cameras in order to capture our movements or the objects movement it needs to be a longer shutter speed. When you’re trying to take a picture of an object that’s really slow you’ll then need to slower your shutter speed to create the blur. Another thing i learned was when having a longer shutter speed the more light will enter.

Something else I learned was to stabilize your camera. So when you’re taking a photo you’re either going to need your object to move or your camera to move. This will only help with stability when taking a photo. for example if you were to move your camera and have a moving object it’ll make the photo come out really blurry. To stabilize your camera you could either have a tripod or place it somewhere still. Now to prevent overexposure you’ll need a narrow aperture. This will help have less light when it hits the camera sensor because when there is too much light it’ll only make your photo too bright.

This one is action sharp
action sharp
motion blur
I took this for motion blur.